100% exam success!

The 7 students of our Accredited Music Course run in partnership with Jewel & Esk College have achieved a 100% pass rate and were invited into the College last week to receive their certificates.

The Synthesis and Sampling Unit SCQF Level 5 course the students achieved gives them the skills to record, sample, mix and potentially master their own performances and compositions independently and is identical in level and ability to the one taken by students attending the college.

All of the students have a strong musical ability and keen interest in music technology but are not yet ready to attend full time HNC/ HND courses in a college setting.  Drake Music Scotland designed a project which will give them an alternative which will challenge them in this specific field of music study and at the same time provide the special support they need in a fully accessible and safe environment.

Student Doug Briglmen said “The best thing about the course is making my own dance music and being able to use some of the equipment.  It’s learning the expertise behind producing the music – and it’s good fun!”