Instrumental Music – Who Plays?

Drake Music Scotland has been invited to be part of the Scottish Government Instrumental Music Implementation Group set up in the wake of the 2013 Report on Instrumental Music in Scotland.

The report highlighted that music provision for learners with additional support needs was limited and varied widely across the country also recognising the ‘huge value and life changing impact that learning an instrument can provide’.

The Report’s recommendations include good practice sharing, access to specialist training and CPD and a closer look at the benefits and impacts.

Professor Sue Hallam who has researched the benefits of music in her book “The Power of Music: its impact on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young people” spoke at a recent conference of music educators at Murrayfield on 26th February giving many examples of how learning music enhances learning and skills generally.

Drake Music Scotland will work with Creative Scotland and Local Authority Music Services to provide training and CPD which will widen opportunities for learners with additional support needs in Scotland.