Melissa Thomson came to visit us this week on work experience from Perthshire.
My name is Melissa, I go to the community school of Auchterarder. I travelled 660 miles this week from Auchterarder. I play the cornet, piano and drums.
I found out about Drake Music Scotland through my Auntie who said that my Cousin has got a friend that goes here who is Chris Jacquin. I came here because want to do music when I leave school. I mostly enjoyed listening and sometimes playing in the music session led by Lesley. I also liked playing around with logic in the Accredited Music Technology Course.
I also liked doing the Figurenotes task and helping out with the Junior Digital Orchestra
Here’s what I did this week:

- Bass – building tour and meeting staff
- Data management task
- Varifocals led by Lesley – I played chords on keyboard

- Liveheart – led by Lesley – I played chords on the keyboard
- Talked to Emma about all the projects they do
- Screaming Rainbows – led by Lesley
- Digital Orchestra – led by Ali Gillies and Pete Sparks
- Started Figurenotes task with Rebecca
- Dunedin school session – led by Lesley – I played chords on the iPad

- Accredited Music Technology Course – led by Paul and Steve
- Continued with Figurenotes task

- Finished Figurenotes task
- Junior Digital Orchestra – led by Katie Davies